Head on over to RWCW's 34th installment (covering cartoons from 11/22/08 to 2/1/09, with the emphasis on the more recent). When last we saw our intrepid band of conservative cartoonists, a few were gracious about Obama’s election, a few more had actually acknowledged how disastrous Bush had been, and many more were inventing creative ways to blame all the ills under the sun on those villainous Democrats. With a new year and Obama’s inauguration, how might things have changed? Hmm…
I like to say that Obama has put forth the exact same amount of effort to ending abortion as George Bush.
I would like to say that right after that insufferable pimple on my backside and the quality of my dog's breath, there are 1000 more important things than abortion going on right now.
...and that's the short list.
And *I* would like to say that there is absolutely nothing wrong with abortion anyway, sometimes women want or need it, and Presidents should therefore be working to make it safer, not working to end it.
No argument here, J and Bugmenot. Bill Clinton's line was "safe, legal and rare," but I know some pro-choice activists who feel stressing "rare" at all is problematic - accurate sex ed and contraception options are good, but restricting or outlawing abortion is obviously not. It's a woman's choice.
Anonymous - actually, Obama has already done more to prevent abortions that Bush by removing the gag rule for funding family planning clinics (so more clinics can help families plan and have fewer unwanted pregnancies) and by trying to include family planning funds in the stimulus package.
On the contrary, Bush's actions, including the gag rule and promoting abstinence only education has resulted in more unwanted pregnancies and abortions.
I hope Obama can reverse all of Bush's counterproductive policies and make further progress.
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