It's my fifth blogiversary, not worthy of Methuselah status, but a fairly long time in blog years. It hasn't been my most prolific blog year, although there's been a late flurry of activity, and a few highlights before that. Thanks to everyone who's stopped by, or otherwise supports small blogs or "long form" blogging. Here's my traditional retrospective round-up (mainly so I can find the damn things later).

"American Politics Seen as a Japanese Monster Movie" is a personal favorite. Then there's the more serious "American Political Insanity Explained."

I sat in with other bands again guest-blogging (we got some good folks out here in L.A.). From those stints, the best entries were "Silent Questions", "We Cheat the Other Guy and Pass the Savings to You," the satirical "Field Guide to Political Creatures" and a look at teabagger insanity, "Deny Me Health Care or Give Me Death." (I should also mention "Attack of the Plutocrats.")
The latter built on one of my previous, cheery Holocaust posts, since conservative invocations of the Holocaust are about as counter-historical and darkly ironic as you can get. This year for International Holocaust Remembrance Day, I focused on Primo Levi's exceptional memoir, If this is a man (normally known as Survival in Auschwitz here in the States).

Thanks again to everyone who's stopped by. (I hope to finish some long-simmering pieces sometime in the next few months.) Al Green will sing us out:
Happy quinquennial!
Happy Bloggiversary! I lurk more than I comment, but I'm glad you're still here!
Happy anniversary dude, you have some serious talent.
Happy Fifth! Here's to another five. I always enjoy your work.
Congrats, mothafucka!
Happy Be-lated Blogaversary. Better Late than never to drop in to say HI and Bye....Aloha. Keep up the good writing.
Happy Blogiversary, my friend! And thanks for my favorite soul singer, Al Green! You should come down to the Pig N Whistle in Hollywood some Tuesday - we do our blues jam every week.
And, thanks for the Roosevelt speech link. I think it bears repeating. And repeating. And repeating.
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