Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

Happy Thanksgiving! Arlo Guthrie announced his retirement earlier this year for health reasons; you can read his statement on his website here. I saw him perform a few years back and at least half a dozen times over the years, most often with Pete Seeger. It's too bad he can't tour anymore, but he's currently 73 and started young, so he been performing for over 50 years, which is pretty impressive. His story/song "Alice's Restaurant Massacree" starts with a real story about Thanksgiving and a closed garbage dump. Here's the original 1967 version, from Arlo's debut album, Alice's Restaurant:

Arlo performed the massacree on tours only every decade or so, and I was happy to hear it live. He added some funny stuff about Nixon, and later rerecorded his entire debut album, including his updated version, plus pretty arrangements of the other songs. From 1996:

Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Just had to say Hi. Big fan of Arlo and Alice's Restaurant. Takes me back a long time to probably 1968 in Houghton, MI (Upper Peninsula) and Michigan Technological University, about as far away from all the protest action you could get, and famous for its record snowfalls.

    Just blogrolled your site. I blog on Broken Government at J.P. McJefferson, Cheers and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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