Sunday, July 25, 2010

Obama Video for Netroot Nation

This video of Obama aired at Netroots Nation:

Pretty good. Faced with several disasters to clean up (any of which could consume a presidency on its own) and hampered by an obstructionist GOP, Obama has a ridiculously tough job. I'm very sympathetic on that front. However, some things, like upholding due process, are non-negotiable, no matter who is in office. And I think many liberals wouldn't fault Obama for losing on some fights - they'd just like to see him try (the public option comes to mind), and at least secure the best deal possible. Additionally, it's one thing to make compromises due to political necessity, but embracing something that's both bad policy and bad politics makes no sense. It's been refreshing to hear Richard Trumka and others in the labor movement speak out about looking out for their people rather than just falling in line and supporting bad candidates.

There are some areas where I'm pretty disappointed in the Obama administration and the congressional leadership. I still haven't forgotten how destructive and evil the GOP is, though, and how much they limit options for the Democrats (even if some of them are happy to have that as an excuse). However, liberals should continue to criticize Obama and the Democratic Party in a conscientious manner. That's an essential part of the process.

Many bloggers who attended Netroots Nation - including Digby, David Dayen and Marcy Wheeler - will be writing more about the convention this upcoming week. I'll be interested to read their thoughts.


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