Monday, November 23, 2009

Delurking Week

Blue Gal is spearheading this one, and has more about its origins. The idea is just what the picture above says - bloggers should thank their readers, and readers - particularly lurkers (people who read but don't comment) - are encouraged to leave one.

So readers of this blog - thanks again! The format of sporadic, long-form posts ain't for everyone. However, I thought the latest blogiversary roundup featured some variety, and personally, I'm glad to have finally finished a set of posts for 11/11 Armistice Day I'd been kicking around in my head for 1-2 years now. It's a big blogosphere, with room for all sorts of pieces and plenty of new bloggers to discover, and I'm grateful for that.

On the gratitude front - I mentioned it last week, but with hunger on the rise in America, and Thanksgiving coming up, it's a good time to consider giving time or money to one's local food bank. Not everyone can afford to, of course, as it's been a tough year for many people. But most food banks make a little bit go a long way. Thanks.


  1. I have officially delurked.


  2. I always read, even when I don't comment. Your site continues to inspire me and provoke further thought--what more could I ask for!???

  3. Your posts are always thought-provoking!

  4. Always stimulating and a pleasure to read. I now return to my regular lurking...

  5. I don't seem to comment much on anyone's blog...but I read them voraciously....and I follow yours!


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