Saturday, April 18, 2009

Bybee and O'Brien

In covering the Bush administration, many of us have invoked Orwell and Kafka. After reading the Bybee memo, Hilzoy makes the specific, obvious comparison.

(Cross-posted at Blue Herald)


  1. and eastasia is always at war with eurasia....

    this is sickening...

    thanks for posting this

  2. What creeps me out the most right now is that Obama is continuing many of the Bush regime's torture policies.

  3. Distributorcap, I got the "eastasia" feeling several times under Bush and the neverending Global War on Terror and "evil-doers" out there.

    libhom, Obama stopped torture. But what he has done is cover for the Bushies in several cases, and assert similar absolute power. I agree, it's troubling and inexcusable. We need public pressure for a full investigation into Bush abuses and prosecution where appropriate, and public pushback on surveillance and all power grabs.


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