Friday, June 16, 2006

Poets on CD

Terri Gross interviewed former poet laureate Billy Collins on Fresh Air about a new 4-CD set, Poetry on Record: 98 Poets Read Their Work, 1888-2006. I had been waiting for part two of the interview to be aired before posting, and now it has, so here’s Part 1 and Part 2.

(In an earlier post about National Poetry Month, I linked one of my favorite pieces of recent years, a poem by Collins now famous among high school teachers titled ”Introduction to Poetry.”)


  1. Nice blogsite, Bach. Thanks for the feedback over on C&L. Are you aware I'm doing a Master's in English Lit in the UK? Starting to look around for thesis material for next year. I'm more a prose-gal, but the occasional Hallmark schmaltz makes me smile. I'll add this to my 'faves'. Cheers.

  2. Nonny Mouse, I wasn't aware of that! That's very cool! One of my former teaching colleagues got her Master's at the University of York. I'd be interested in your experiences with the British system and your eventual thesis choice. Feel to e-mail me, and thanks!


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