Wednesday, July 27, 2005

What's the Point of This Thing, I Ask You?

C'mon. Blog. Everybody's doing it. From right-wing nutjobs to that funky lady in California with the thick Greek accent.

In all seriousness, I send out enough article links, musings, reviews and such every year that this is a natural. And now I can merely direct friends and family to my blog versus inundating their e-mail... Now anyone can politely ignore my writings or rabidly peruse them as is their wont. (Although rabies is considered something of a “social disease,” so shh.)

Also, that, what's his name, Socrates guy, he was big on the dialogues and stuff. And I'm all in favor of that... although honestly I don't think this site will get enough traffic or that I can spend enough time on it for this site to be really hoppin', but who knows?

Last year I sent out many “round-ups” of stories, and several people apparently enjoyed them. I haven't written as many this year because of my accursed urge to be comprehensive, linking all three major articles on a given subject, doing more research, and so on. That sort of thing is still possible, of course, but this medium encourages the immediacy of linking a single story with some brief comments.

It'll take me a while to get the hang of managing the site, so please bear with me. However, I'd like eventually to have a few recurring categories... Film, Politics/Orwell Watch, Education, the Arts, Fun with Words, News of the Weird, and so on.

As for the title of the blog, it's just a label that hit me a few years back, even before I started living in what's now my seventh state... and before I researched and discovered that “Vagabond Scholar” was the name of a bio by Bruno Lind on famed historian George Santayana.

Enjoy and contribute as you see fit.

1 comment:

  1. Great job, Tim! Keep em coming and culling and commenting... HA, I love alliteration! I started a blog but found I had little more than dirty diapers (literally) to describe each day. So Mazel Tov to you and your editorials.


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